Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Using Todaysmeet to brainstorm

What is this? How does it work? (webpage)

Todaysmeet is an easy-to-use, live chat web-platform upon which teachers could use to open a brainstorm session or collect student's live feedbacks during the class.

Some ideas of how we can use this tool. 

  • open a brainstorm session in class to collect learners' ideas. (e.g. their view about grammar, their learning habits)
  • First assign some difficult homework for students to do.
  • Then make an appointment with the students, asking them discuss about their difficulties online collaboratively on a specific time for half an hour by using this web-tool.
  • Following that, the teacher collect the unresolved problems and provide help on the website.
  • In order to properly supervise students' work, the teacher could ask students to hand in their homework by email immediately after the on-line session. 

Why is this tool good of English Language teaching/learning?

It is believed that language learning is a socially mediated process, and it is only through better teacher-student interactions & student-student interactions and also through receiving timely feedbacks from the teacher can students become maximally motivated to learn the L2 Language. This web-tool provide us with  new approach to facilitate this process in order to promote motivation and learning autonomy.

Limitations and points to improve
  • It requires the access to computer and internet for every students in the class.
  • The students might use this tool to copy other's  homework.
  • The virtual chat room could be sabotaged by naughty students if the classroom is not properly managed. 

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